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How Unified Communications can help you improve your time management

Updated: Nov 6, 2022

Woman speaking to 4 people using virtual meeting software

One of the most crucial components of becoming a good seller is time management. In addition to spending time with prospects and closing sales, you should make the most of your time by establishing as many contacts as you can. Applications for unified communications can increase your productivity while reducing downtime.

You can make use of these suggestions as telecom resellers and pass them along to your clients. Utilising the programmes allows you to demonstrate the advantages while also enjoying their benefits, which combined save time.

Work While Mobile

Having your office close at hand will help you minimise time lost. You can work as quickly as you would in a typical office with the aid of mobile unified communication applications. Utilise the chat feature, schedule calls, and attend meetings all from your mobile device.

Close your next deal while linked to Bluetooth in your car and using your smartphone app.

Join forces with a CRM

Integrating Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software with your UC application is crucial. A URL with the contacts will appear while on an incoming or outgoing call. From there, you can make notes, reflect on prior discussions, and establish relationships with clients. It is essential to integrate this third-party service to save time. Within seconds of connecting, you may construct a complete history of consumers to help you remember them.

Reports in real-time

Small time savings can rapidly pile up. Real-time, automated reporting is a significant time saver! With the aid of a Call Detail Record (CDR), you may manage your reps and keep track of:

The quantity of incoming and outgoing calls

  • call lengths

  • Talk time total

  • number of missed calls

  • plus more!

You can make modifications as you see fit with this knowledge at your fingertips. An excellent example of a sector that benefits from UC's time-saving features is the contact centre industry.

Eliminate Distractions

There is no disputing that modern hybrid employees are constantly distracted. However, eliminating distractions and maintaining focus are the keys to excellent time management. Your colleagues can access a presence panel feature using UC applications to see whether you are available or not. Real-time status synchronisation will be provided between your desktop and mobile applications.

The physical device will synchronise with your presence status to show whether or not you are available. This is just one of several tools available to help you and your clients stop being distracted.

Virtually meet

And last but not least, a virtual encounter. The COVID-19 outbreak has taught many of us how to use video conferencing effectively. Businesses went about their regular business and held their meetings that ordinarily would have taken place in person.

Even though everyone may appreciate the ambiance of an in-person meeting, joining electronically saves you a lot of drive time. Video conferencing will help you save time whether you're traveling abroad to meet a potential partner or just down the hall to the boardroom.


These are just a few strategies for unified communications to help with time management. You'll find countless other time-saving advantages if you use it in your work and personal life.

Simplyfree’ s unified communication will help you improve the way your team is communicating. Our range of smart business phone solutions can be customised to provide every modern phone feature and set-up. Through our consultative sales process, we ensure that any solution will include a range of features and functionality to make your business communications professional, reliable, and affordable.

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